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Wrinkle Relaxers

Wrinkle Relaxers

Neurotoxin injectables temporarily help relax the muscles in the face to soften the dynamic fine lines and wrinkles.  These are most often used on forehead lines, the glabella area (11's) and crow’s feet around the eyes.  


The Bare Solutions offers Botox and Dysport treatments that create a natural softening and reduction of dynamic wrinkles.  However, you will still have the ability to express yourself with your face. We target only the muscles that contribute to the wrinkles we want to treat avoiding that “frozen face” look.

Wrinkle Relaxers.webp

Using very concentrated and specifically targeted injections, we provide a very comfortable and natural-appearing treatment. We do not want to change your face, we only want to uncover and enhance your natural beauty.

Procedure Description:

During this procedure, a trained healthcare professional injects small amounts of botulinum toxin into specific muscles in the face. This toxin blocks nerve signals, temporarily relaxing the muscles and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.


Botox and Dysport is commonly used to treat dynamic wrinkles caused by repeated facial movements, such as frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines. It can also be used for medical purposes, including migraines, excessive sweating, and muscle spasms.


The use of Botox and Dysport may not be suitable for individuals who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have certain neuromuscular disorders. It's important to discuss your medical history and any existing conditions with your healthcare provider before undergoing treatment.

Side Effects:

Potential side effects of Botox and Dysport can include temporary bruising, swelling, redness, or mild pain at the injection site. Rarely, more severe reactions may occur, such as muscle weakness or drooping eyelids. These should be reported to your healthcare provider immediately.

What to Expect During Treatment:

Botox and Dysport treatment typically involves a series of injections, performed in a healthcare professional's office. The procedure is generally quick, taking around 10-15 minutes. The provider will cleanse the treatment area and use a fine needle for the injections. Discomfort is usually minimal.

Pain Control:

Most patients tolerate Botox and Dysport injections well and do not require pain control. However, a topical anesthetic cream or ice can be applied to the treatment area to minimize any discomfort.

Duration of Procedure:

The actual Botox and Dysport injection process typically takes only a few minutes. However, you should allow some additional time for consultation and preparation.

Recovery Time:

Recovery after Botox and Dysport is generally quick, and you can usually resume your normal activities immediately afterward. It's recommended to avoid rubbing or massaging the treated area for a few hours to prevent the toxin from spreading.

Typical Number of Sessions:

The number of Botox and Dysport sessions required can vary depending on individual goals and the treated area. Generally, results last for about three to six months, and subsequent sessions may be scheduled to maintain the desired effects.

Expected Treatment Results:

Botox and Dysport results are not immediate and typically start to become noticeable within a few days, with full effects visible within two weeks. Wrinkles and lines are temporarily softened, providing a smoother and more youthful appearance.

Post-Treatment Instructions:

After the procedure, your healthcare provider may provide specific instructions tailored to your needs. These may include avoiding strenuous exercise, excessive heat, or lying down for a few hours post-treatment.

Typical Cost:

The cost of Botox and Dysport treatment can vary depending on factors such as the provider's expertise, location, and the number of units required. Prices are often quoted per unit, and the total cost will depend on the treatment area and the number of units used.

Frequently Asked Questions

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